December 30, 2016

Revell U-Wing, Part 2: Primer and Engines

I made a small amount of progress.

I've now primed all of the parts using an automotive lacquer from Duplicolor. After the paint cured overnight, I gently sanded the surfaces with my new favorite model tool: 3M's Ultra Fine Sanding Sponge (Item 02601). To get into the tight corners, I followed-up the sanding by scrubbing the parts with a mix of water and baking soda via a toothbrush. The end result is a super smooth finish ready for paint!

I also started weathering the engines. I airbrushed a basecoat of Tamiya's Nato Black (XF-69) followed by light coats of assorted Tamiya greys (mixes of 10% paint, 40% X-22 Clear, and 50% X-20 Thinner). I also included a bit of Hull Red (XF-9) to suggest some modest rust. After sealing under a clear coat, I applied an enamel pin wash to better define the details. I'll likely do some more weathering to the engines after assembling more of the kit.

Next up: Wings.

December 27, 2016

Revell U-Wing, Part 1: Cockpit

I just started work on my 1:100 scale U-Wing from Revell. This snap-together kit is generally simple and intended for young modelers. There are no sprues; the parts are trimmed, painted, and blister-packed. It also features a gimmick to illuminate the interior with a green LED and trigger a sound effect when you press a button on the rear engine deck. Although designed to be more of a toy than a model, I’m hopeful some extra effort with painting and weathering will bring it to life.

Here’s my progress so far: the completed cockpit and engine deck. If you’ve seen Rogue One, you can easily see that the interior isn’t remotely accurate. However, it is really nicely done! As for the engine, it certainly looks terrific and compares well to reference photos. The big, chunky, pre-assembled grey part houses the gimmick. A small speaker is located on the bottom and the light beams outward from the rear of the cockpit.

I really enjoyed the challenge of painting the two pilots - wow, are they small! I did my best to paint them to appear like the images I found of U-Wing pilots from Blue Squadron.

Next up: the 4 X-Wing style engines!