Over the years I’ve accumulated quite a few titles in my collection of hobby-related books. Among my favorites are FAQ and FAQ 2 from Mig Jimenez. His online venture - The Weathering Magazine - is pretty great, too. Mig’s techniques have long been very inspirational to me and I certainly owe him my gratitude.
Mig has been the public face of several hobby businesses over the years, including Mig Productions and AK Interactive. Each continue to produce a range of weathering products for armour models. However, he left these companies with some fanfare.
In 2009 Mig wrote that he was tired of the business side of things and departed from Mig Productions. It didn’t seem particularly amicable since Mig noted he was resentful the name did not change. After a several year hiatus, Mig was back in business and started AK Interactive. But in the fall of 2013, it all came tumbling down again. Mig and his business partners had a falling out that ended with Mig leaving the company. Again Mig took to his blog to tell the story, although this time in a rather legal-like manner that gave the impression of a bad break-up. Without much delay, Mig started a new company called AMMO of Mig Jimenez which sure looks and feels a whole lot like AK Interactive.
I really enjoy building models. Whenever I read Mig’s work in books or magazines, I feel like he’s sharing his secret tips and tricks. Mig is a wonderful artist and it’s always been a joy to learn from him. I certainly don’t know much of anything about the business side of hobbies, but it breaks my heart a little to bit read of these public struggles.
Since the company began, the products distributed by AK Interactive have been top-notch. However, now that Mig has left AK, it appears the product manufacturer has chosen to do so as well. I suspect the manufacturer has now partnered with Mig’s latest company but I have not found anything online to confirm.
So here we are as mere hobbyists wondering what to do. I’m not a fan of all the drama so I think I’ll just wait for the dust to settle. I’ll try to figure out who makes the best products after my current supplies run out.
Or I could always go back to mixing my own enamel filters and washes. Perish the thought! :)
Wanna read more? Check out this story for another perspective.